There are many aspects to consider when determining what credit cards to accept on your website. Do consumers prefer one type of credit card to another? Will you save money on credit card processing fees by only accepting one brand? For US-based businesses, Visa and MasterCard are widely accepted in stores. However, here are a…
Category: Merchant Accounts
Extremely Low Rates for Internet Merchant Accounts with Instabill
With nearly 20 acquiring banking partners integrated with us in 2018 — and several more to be announced — Instabill continues to build its acquiring banking partner base in order to offer the best merchant accounts for merchants of all risk levels. By forging more partnerships with different domestic and international acquiring banks, Instabill is…
Super Speedy Offshore Merchant Boarding with Instabill
There are numerous reasons why an e-commerce business owner may need to open a new merchant account in a hurry. You may have monthly processing caps on your current merchant account and you want a new account to avoid exceeding your limit. Perhaps you have a high demand from customers who want to purchase items…
The Many Benefits of Getting an Instabill Offshore Merchant Account
Many e-commerce merchants face the problem of searching for a credit card processing solution outside of their country. If you are unfamiliar with merchant service providers, this can be a hard task. However, Instabill is always eager to help business owners find the best offshore merchant account for payment processing needs. For more than a…
Hey, UK Financial Services Firms - Instabill Has You Covered!
Instabill has long been a trusted partner of financial services firms worldwide by providing reliable credit card processing services and business continuity measures to small and large merchants alike. It is always a pleasure to work with the ranks of growing UK financial services firms regardless of their niche. We have reliable solutions from verticals…
Why Businesses Should Open Multiple Merchant Accounts
One of the main complaints I hear from merchants who are processing at high volumes is that their acquiring bank tends to limit their monthly processing amounts. How can you grow your business when your acquiring bank puts a cap on the amount of money you can process? Our success depends on your success so…
Instabill Merchant Accounts for Educational Programs and Software
Work-from-home educational software is becoming quite popular. It is very convenient and much more realistic for some people to have the luxury of working from home. For this target market, finding an honest, reliable source of educational software can be difficult. However, honest merchants will attract honest customers. Due Diligence Background Checks with Instabill At…
Credit Card Processing for Financial Service Firms
Cash advances, stock trading, debt collection, credit repair—these are just a few sectors within the financial services industry. Traditional financial service firms provide clients with face-to-face consultations. You meet with your clients in an office, assist them with their financial needs, and they pay you as they leave. Nowadays, you have the option of allowing…
Tech Support Merchant Accounts for Indian Startups
India has been in the news left and right this year and for good reason too. The country’s e-commerce industry is taking flight—and Indian students studying abroad are flying home after graduation. In fact, startup businesses are the primary role in India’s e-commerce boom. According to, “Venture Capital firms have invested $363 million across…
Fast Approval for Adult Merchant Accounts
I have been working with Instabill for almost a year and I feel like it is more enjoyable than ever. The different channels I have available to communicate with merchants and answer their questions makes the journey of connecting them with the best payment processor fun and exciting. Typically, most of our merchants inquire about…