Dear Class of 2016 – CONGRADUATIONS! You’re about to enter the workforce. Did you see all those credit card companies – Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover – exhibiting at random places on your campus the last few weeks of classes and exams? They’re there to sign you up for a credit card with incentives…
Tag: EMV liability shift

3 Reasons EMV Credit Cards are Not the Silver Bullet
Perhaps we’re dating ourselves by using the ‘silver bullet’ description in referencing the new EMV credit cards. For those not much into 1960s horror films, the ‘silver bullet’ theory describes the only way to kill a werewolf. In terms of the credit card payments industry, fraud is the werewolf, but the new EMV credit cards…

Experts: EMV Shift Could Lead to More CNP Fraud
The long-awaited EMV shift arrives this week, and will undoubtedly herald a new era for in-store payment processing. As merchants continue to prepare and launch new pay terminals to accept the new EMV technology, another threat looms—CNP fraud could increase as a result of the heightened security for in-store merchants. EMV and CNP: The Fraud…

More EMV Transition Resources Open Ahead of Deadline
Reports are showing that barely 25% of retail merchants will be fully ready by the time the EMV transition is made in October of this year. With time running out and pressure mounting, more resources are being made available to merchants across the country to help with the liability shift. Where to Find Information on the…

Missing the EMV Liability Shift Could Cost Merchants
The October 2015 EMV liability shift deadline is just four months away. As the country prepares to integrate EMV credit card processing, merchants are responsible for providing means to accept EMV payments at their locations. While the liability shift is voluntary, any fraud that occurs through a merchant’s systems could prove to be costly. About…