3 Reasons EMV Credit Cards are Not the Silver Bullet

3 Reasons EMV Credit Cards are Not the Silver Bullet

Perhaps we’re dating ourselves by using the ‘silver bullet’ description in referencing the new EMV credit cards. For those not much into 1960s horror films, the ‘silver bullet’ theory describes the only way to kill a werewolf. In terms of the credit card payments industry, fraud is the werewolf, but the new EMV credit cards…

How E-Commerce Merchants Will Avoid CNP Fraud

How E-Commerce Merchants Will Avoid CNP Fraud

Not too long ago there was a great quote on LinkedIn. Or maybe it was Reddit or Twitter, but it read, ‘We can put a man on the moon, but we can’t stop CNP fraud.’ It made me chuckle out loud. Card-not-present fraud has already escalated and is projected to worsen each year for the forseeable…

U.S. Payments Industry Frustrates (but it’s Loaded with Opportunity)

U.S. Payments Industry Frustrates (but it’s Loaded with Opportunity)

As frustrating as it may be, the U.S. payments industry is every bit as exciting. Indeed, the U.S. has some challenges: The U.S. is the last of the world’s major economies to start using EMV chip-enabled credit cards. U.S. merchants have been slow to embrace EMV cards. The U.S. is facing rising card-not-present fraud. The…

Clock is Ticking on EMV Liability Shift

Clock is Ticking on EMV Liability Shift

As the EMV liability shift takes shape on the US payments landscape, small-to-mid-sized businesses (SMBs) have until October 2015 to comply to avoid fraud liability. When the four major credit card brands – Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover – announced the rollout of EMV chip credit cards to replace those with magnetic stripe earlier…