
Walmart E-Commerce Steps Up Fight Against Amazon

Walmart E-Commerce Steps Up Fight Against Amazon

In efforts to keep up with its main rival, Amazon, Walmart has invested millions of dollars into its e-commerce platform. With new executives and five straight quarters of losses in the US, Walmart e-commerce could transform and enter the mainstream online retail world. However, with a track record as bad as Walmart’s, is a total…

Mass State Senator Lobbies for Medical Marijuana Tax

Mass State Senator Lobbies for Medical Marijuana Tax

Citing consistency with federal law and 10 other states, Massachusetts State Senator Brian Joyce (D, Milton) has proposed a state-wide medical marijuana sales tax. Joyce’s request came in the form of an amendment to a substance abuse and prevention bill which passed through the Massachusetts senate on May 14. Sen. Joyce’s amendment to the bill,…

Pennsylvania the Latest State to Eye Legalized Online Gambling

Pennsylvania the Latest State to Eye Legalized Online Gambling

Citing declining physical casino revenues, the state of Pennsylvania is hoping to become the latest to offer legalized online gambling. It may happen, as recent analysis done by EConsult estimated that legalized online gambling in Pennsylvania could result in an annual revenue cashfall of $307 million. Keystone State officials should approach that figure delicately, since…