Why You Need P2P Encryption and Tokenization – Today

Why You Need P2P Encryption and Tokenization – Today

In the U.S. e-commerce industry, convenience seems to be the antithesis of security. Merchants’ stagnant adoption to 3D secure, at least from what Instabill merchant account managers have seen, is proof of such. In the age of the data breach, however, that school of thought can result in the loss of a business. 3D secure…

The Real Advantages of ACH Payments: Security, Dependability

The Real Advantages of ACH Payments: Security, Dependability

What if a business or consumer has reached or exceeded the spending limit on their credit card and is unable to make a payment on an item or service? How does the creditor accept payment from the debtor? This is why, along with credit card processing, merchants need to offer ACH payments (short for Automated Clearing…

Transact 16 is a Week Away, and You Should Meet With Instabill

Transact 16 is a Week Away, and You Should Meet With Instabill

It is well known that banks are turning away high risk merchants a little more frequently for a number of reasons. Perhaps it’s because of industry type, exceedingly high volume or imperfect processing history. Instabill has solutions for all three situations which is why you need to stop by Booth #1018 at Transact 16. Partner…

How E-Commerce Merchants Will Avoid CNP Fraud

How E-Commerce Merchants Will Avoid CNP Fraud

Not too long ago there was a great quote on LinkedIn. Or maybe it was Reddit or Twitter, but it read, ‘We can put a man on the moon, but we can’t stop CNP fraud.’ It made me chuckle out loud. Card-not-present fraud has already escalated and is projected to worsen each year for the forseeable…