Why Payment Processing for Purchased Debt is Nearly Impossible

Why Payment Processing for Purchased Debt is Nearly Impossible

We’ve blogged frequently about the difficulty we have in finding payment processing solutions for debt collection merchants, especially recently. Sometimes we’ll get a pre-application from a collection agency merchant who buys debt for pennies on the dollar, and is looking to collect on it. We unfortunately have to break it to him: Of all the…

FTC Launches New Debt Collection Operation

FTC Launches New Debt Collection Operation

‘Operation Collection Protection’ is what they’re calling the newest anti-debt collection initiative from the government. The FTC recently announced the new operation, geared toward protecting consumers from unlawful collection tactics and limiting the reach of merchants in that industry. The move is the latest in a series of harsh blows to the industry currently embattled…

3 Things Debt Collection Merchants Can Do About Complaints

3 Things Debt Collection Merchants Can Do About Complaints

It is probably safe to say that the industry of debt collection is never going to have the best reputation. A massive – though necessary – industry, collections merchants are most often dealing with disgruntled consumers who are a lot of things: generally unhappy, sometimes selfish, unresponsive, struggling to pay off debts and irritated at typically high…